丁觀玲是一個雙面人, 常常在別人面前假裝很和善, 其實心理很變態
他死纏爛打我超級久了, 死都不會封鎖刪除喔, 所以大家要小心丁觀玲
他會把所有我講的對話都截圖下來, 還有傳過的圖片, 我的照片都存起來, 更變態的是還背下我的家裡電話和手機電話, 超級可怕
而且一直說謊, 還會偷偷追蹤別人同事朋友以及本人的任何社群, 重點是都是偷偷在看, 然後跟你講我都知道你在幹嘛, 超級變態的
每次都會說好, 我來封鎖刪除你, 可是你知道嗎?! 過一小時, 她就後悔了,因為她捨不得離開,而且還為了本人自殺,我的天啊,真的好變態
還會睜眼說瞎話, 剛講完的話她可以假裝說我沒有說阿, 而且都不會抓重點, 永遠聽不懂別人說什麼自己解讀變成自己想聽的話, 非常奇怪
一天到晚只想跟我出國, 滿腦子都是我
With my new job of 1 month, I've made the crossover from staff to management; I now manage a team of three Taiwanese in Taiwan. "For the first time ever, people aren't trying to reach out and be social with me and I can't decide if they don't like me or if it's part of being in management."
First and foremost, attempting to ignore that professional boundary doesn't change the face that you in are in a position of power over them.
I don't post things much but I am in such shock about a stupid tv show that I don't even know what to do right now! Now I have to wait until September to find out what happens next! What the hell just happened?!? Sons of anarchy!
40 reminders that one doesn't necessarily have to go to college to be successful.
In today's uncertain economy, a college education no longer guarantees you a high-paying job. But on the flip side, if you don't want to go to college, you don't have to — you can still get a high-paying job without a bachelor's degree.
Looking appropriate is far more important than looking fashionable. And since most of us don’t always move directly from home to work and back again, our contexts and audiences are in a perpetual state of flux. Evening events, travel, client meetings and weather transform the demands on our appearance, sometimes in the span of a single day.
Makeup For Men: The Revolution
I hear my named called. I take a deep breath, put a smile on my face, and stand up. It’s 6am, and I’m about to step into a career if not life-changing interview. Even though the 2 hours of sleep and countless drinks- thanks to my friend’s bachelor party- have left my face drained of color and my eyes with dreadful bags under them, I’m not at all worried about how I look. I shake my future boss’s hand firmly and give him a dashing smile knowing I couldn’t have looked better; not because of my inherent good looks or an ability to look awesome no matter what, but rather because I use makeup.
Makeup? For men? What? It may sound strange at first, but makeup for men is a rapidly growing trend. That’s not because men want to look feminine or girly, but because more and more men are starting to realize the importance of their appearance. They are coming to understand that their appearance not only plays an important role in their social life but in their professional lives as well. The world we live in is increasingly competitive which is why, along with our qualifications, our appearance is the key to success.
Why Wear Make Up
I started wearing makeup because I was tired of living with acne. Tired of being insecure. Tired of being ashamed. Tired of not living the life I wanted to live. Although I was intimidated to try makeup at first, that intimidation disappeared as soon as I noticed how good I looked and how good it made me feel about myself. Talking to that pretty girl at the bar wasn’t out of the question anymore, social gatherings weren’t terrifying events, and meeting new people was actually starting to get fun. Looking good really did make me feel good.
Refine For Men, a student-based start up from Los Angeles, has become the leader in the makeup for men revolution. Its founder, Edgar Osorio, a student at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has brought to market the first makeup for men line specifically formulated for men and is making waves for its easy use and undetectable coverage.
Then my immediate boss, who had a habit of making personal insults shrouded as jokes to anyone below him, started making direct and indirect insults to me. He started reminding me that my contract wouldn’t be renewed if I did or didn’t do certain things. He would hover over my back (literally) like a boss out of Dilbert and press me to finish some mundane design task that he felt urgently needed to be examined. He was democratic about his patronizing and rude comments, but it didn’t make me feel any better when he directed them towards my team members. I felt more like I was a teenager working at a crappy retail job than a professional working at one of the greatest tech companies in the world.
He also says, "I burned the bridge pretty badly by posting that article. Even coworkers who liked me are mad now because I stirred up a bit of dust with the article."
It's important to note that this is just one employee working at a big company. Different people are going to react differently to different situations in life. There are always disgruntled employees at any company.
Time flies! Watching this video reminds me of the feeling when the series started. This has been an incredible journey and a roller coaster of a ride. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have met these incredible human beings from the cast to the crew and everybody along the way. They have made these last five years truly unforgettable. And also, you, the fans have been so amazing to us with all your continued love and support. (I read those twitter comments and replies.) So in celebration, I have compiled 100 seconds from my personal clips for#Glee100 I hope you enjoy it as much as I had making it. (The video and these memories) And Cory, we miss you buddy. As always, much love everybody!
Hey, you want to look more handsome than you already are, don't you? Sure, who doesn't—handsome wins you women, better customer service and because we live in a sick, sad, superficial world, even a higher salary. And thanks to this list, now being handsome is easier than ever. There's expert advice, common sense pointers, and even a couple of tips to help you beat bad, ugly, un-handsome habits. But don't waste your time reading this intro, become more handsome right now.
If you don't have one, get one right away because having a barber is rule number one above all others—if the 24 following tips on this list fail, at least you'll have a good haircut.
So, how can I know if my barber gets me? Because this happens: you go in and ask for the regular and walk out looking like a champ every time. The best way to find a barber like this is by word of mouth and trial and error, but there are a few telltale signs that the guy or girl poking scissors at your head is a contender. They should have the capacity to consult with you in words not limited to the settings on a clipper, be able to translate your direction into a language that your hair speaks and they shouldn't be done with you in less than 20 minutes.
This is rule number two because handsome needs lots of bright light and germ-free air in order to flourish.
Born with the slob gene? Many a good men were, but for the sake of your good-looking life, do something about it. Go to the car wash, hire a cleaning person, bribe your friends to do your dirty work, seek counseling, get hypnotized … whatever … do something. Don't let your life’s clutter stop your handsome from happening.
This is rule number two because handsome needs lots of bright light and germ-free air in order to flourish.
Born with the slob gene? Many a good men were, but for the sake of your good-looking life, do something about it. Go to the car wash, hire a cleaning person, bribe your friends to do your dirty work, seek counseling, get hypnotized … whatever … do something. Don't let your life’s clutter stop your handsome from happening.
Water is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty
Think of it this way: Moisturizers are vitamins for your face, and so they make your mug look healthy. According to Dr. Terrence Keaney MD, Director of W for Men dermatology clinic, you should use a moisturizer at least once a day to keep your skin looking lovely.
Poor lifestyle choices can be a lot of fun, but they'll also turn your eyes into fortresses of foulness. You've known about Visine since college, but commit this bit to memory: Creams keep away wrinkles; gels get rid of dark circles and bags.
But wait, isn't using a face moisturizer enough, you ask? Hell, sure, but it won't work as well. Eye products are formulated specifically to deal with the thin skin around your sockets, but if you just can't negotiate using eye creams while being a man, then consider this advice from Dr. Andrew Jacono, Director of the New York Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery: If your eyes are consistently puffy, it could be that you're eating too much salt, which keeps water retained in the body. If they're always dark, sleep at least seven hours a night, quit smoking, and treat your allergies, which are all common causes of under eye skin discoloration. Also, wear sunglasses and put SPF around your eyes when outside: squinting and UV rays are the leading cause of crows feet (that wrinkled skin next to your eye).
And new, as of 2013, there's Botox for your eyes and it can be used as a preventative or as a cure to crows feet. Sounds crazy, this injecting poisonous bacteria so near your eyes, but, confession: we tried it, because that's our job. Verdict: It was quick, painless, had no side effects and if we looked funny, no one said anything. One treatment lasts up to six months.
Yup, there is actually a wrong way to wash your face, and it can leave you looking less handsome than if you didn't wash at all. The culprit? Regular body soap which clogs up the smaller pores on your face and sucks up too much natural oil, leaving you mug looking like an old baseball mitt. So, learn this word and look for it on products: Non-comedogenic. It means the product is formulated specifically to deal with the skin on your face. Use a face wash once daily, except for shave day, when you should use a face scrub to exfoliate. And if you have a beard of significant length, don't use any scrubs ever unless you want to spend the next couple of hours picking micro-beads out of your muff.
According to science (and Jay Carney and Batman), we've reached peak beard in 2014, meaning those of the fairer sex may start to be more smitten with shaved faces than hairy ones. Though, if you ask the girls at Elle.com, they have their own, somewhat favorable opinions of our beards. Ah, boy, we live in confusing times. The take away? Do whatever makes you feel more handsome, but if you are currently bearding, you still have to be mindful to manicure that forest of follicles fastened to your face.
If you're gonna be red and bloody in the face, let it be because you performed some heroic act, not because you still can't figure out the right way to shave. Dermatologists say that the five blades in your cartridge do a swell job of slashing the strands off your chin, but they also swipe the oils your skin needs to avoid nicks, burns and un-handsome irritation. Therefore: Single blade safety razor, like your granddaddy.
Do it, because it will make you look less funny in the face, and eyebrow grooming is not an instinct.
Hands: Your first physical contact with another human being will (usually) be with your hands, so how your mitts look and feel matters. Wash them with soap and water, clean the gunk from under and around your nails with nail brush, clip your nails, and use a moisturizer every so often so you don't feel or look like a snake.
Feet: If you like sandals, the beach, and sex (or all three), keep your situation clipped, rub a pumice stone over the ugliest parts and it's okay to slap some cream on them every so often. We don't have to tell you that nasty toenails and discolored, flakey feet aren't helping your cause.
Did we just endure the Mani/Pedi for men? Meh, it's up to you if you want to sit in a salon and let some lady clip and clean your nails and then rub your hands and feet. But if you do, ask that they don't buff your nails or it will look very obvious that they did.
Because two words: Clooney and Clinton. But in order for grey to make you look great, it has to be kept groomed or it just looks schlepy, so keep up with your monthly hair cuts, trim your neck and shave. Past that, here are a few pointers courtesy of Vaughn, do-er of Bill Clinton's hair: Silver hair is dryer than regular hair so use a moisturizing shampoo and/or a conditioner. Take care to use a hydrating hair product; it's easy for products to dust up on dry, grey hair and flakes aren't handsome. Grey hair looks finer and can yellow from too much sun exposure and hard water, shampoos for silver hair are made to off-set these issues.
Hating your bald spot makes you look insecure, but we get it—balding is not at all awesome. However, It can be a less horrible curse upon the house of your handsomeness than you think. This guide has all of your answers.
Human? Then it's impossible to be handsome apparently, because sweating is a thing that nature makes almost all of us do. So let's be clear: Just try not to be a greasy, oily, sweaty mess when you need to look your best. How so? According to Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, founder of 5th Avenue Dermatology Surgery and Laser Center in New York: limiting booze and caffeine helps a lot. No fun, but then again neither are his other tips, like taking a cold shower after the gym and putting on antiperspirant before you go to bed (properly blocking sweat glands takes time). If you go to the gym, still go, but he says men who work out tend to sweat more, so be prepared. Same with overweight guys. Confused? Ready to give in? Well, then get this: If you want to, there's an app for that, or really few medical procedures like Botox, Miradry, and something called Vaser, that can make you stop sweating from your underarms entirely .
Glasses are the carpet of the face—they tie everything together and they've gotta fit in the space they're given. So if your wearing shades and/or RX, make sure you've got a good pair. Say our friends at Warby Parker, "It’s best to juxtapose the shape of the frame with the shape of your face: if you have a square face, choose rounder frames. If you have a round face, look for square shaped frames. Eyebrows should be above the top of the frame and your cheeks shouldn't touch the bottom when you smile. Try on a bunch of pairs with this in mind and see which pairs feel right. And when in doubt, pick tortoiseshell." Got that? Good. Next.
This includes a smart raincoat, a good coat for freezing temperatures, a light jacket, a top coat for formal occasions, and something leather.
Take a shower with soap, use deodorant, hell … you can even launder your clothes. Easiest tip yet! But what seems most perplexing to the potentially handsome person: the proper way to put on cologne. According to Chad Murawczyk, founder & CEO of fragrance specialists MiN New York, there are a few right ways. If you've got a spray, it's a half a pump on each pulse point on your wrist, followed by a quick dab behind the ear. You can also spray twice in front of you and then step into the cloud—this way also scents your clothing. For oils, all you need are a few quick dabs on the back of your hands.
Know how to cook at least one dish and cook it well. The same goes for cocktails. Know a good restaurant and make sure they know you. The ability to provide good food and drink has been attractive since they invented eating.
But not in the Michael Vick kinda way.
Get a tailor—a few tweaks on most of your shirts, pants and denim can make a favorable difference in your overall appearance. Own an iron or a steamer—wrinkles make you look unprepared. Press and/or dry clean your work clothes for the same reason. Have a smart suit. Be able to recognize when ring-around-the-collar and nasty, yellow armpit stains have won the war on your favorite shirt. Oh, and own a good, clean pair of shoes and sneakers. Women really do notice these things.
Good posture doesn't just make you look and feel more confident, it's less of a reminder that you're really just the least hairy of primates.
Because: preparedness.
And don't be a conversation dominator, a one-upper, or someone who yells at the help. Call it manners, call it charm, either way, graciousness and the art of communication upgrade your good-looking quotient tremendously.
Handsome feeds on blood flow, so you'll need to get yours up. In numbers that means a minimum of between 30 and 60 minutes of physical activity a day, according to the personal training staff at Travaasa Austin, an experiential resort in Texas that in specializes in fitness. Not only does this keep your muscles (or, okay, flab) toned, but it feeds your cells which results in better looking skin.
Sadly, swiping your finger up and down your iPhone screen doesn't count. If you haven't joined the cult of Barry's Bootcamp, Cross-Fit or Soul Cycle or are just gym-averse, don't worry, here's a secret: All you really need are these 5 easy-to-do at-home exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats and dips. Beyond that, use the stairs instead of the elevator and consider owning a bike. And if you want some gear, get a kettle ball because it’s every exercise that uses one works the mythical “core” section of your body.
A facial is basically a massage on your face with lots of high-end gels and creams. If you're going for an always-perfect, Hollywood face, Deirdre Bradford, Spa director a the Four Seasons Los Angeles recommends them once a month, but she says otherwise, they're just great at hitting the reset button on your skin after the dehandsomizing effects of long haul flights, late and boozy nights, colds, allergies and too much sun.
Your smile should be a curtain for an elegant dance floor, not be cover for a dental horror show. According to Dr. Eda Ellis, one of Consumer Report's top dentists in America, to make this so, you should brush twice a day with a soft bristle brush (electric or not) and floss twice daily, preferably with a water pick. Go for regular cleanings every 6 months, unless your dentist says you need more.
The best way possible to whiten your teeth is chair-side with a product called Zoom, and there’s this at home unit that makes them white with fiber optins, and they donate dental care to kids in developing nations. Otherwise, take it easy on the all-day coffee and the after work red wine. Other teeth-staining culprits? Black tea, coca-cola, Red Bull, berries, tomato sauce, curry sauce, hard candy, gum and finally, popsicles. Now you know.